Republicans Release Obama’s Zombie Plan to Dominate the World

Obama Eats Baby's Finger

Num, Num, Num. Zombie Hungry!

(Washington, D.C.) Speaker of the House John Boehner today released documentary proof that not only was Obama not born in the U.S., he is also a far-left socialist and a a zombie with plans to dominate the world by eating all the children.

“Obama is ruining this country. He is fiscally irresponsible. He is running up the deficit. And he apparently does not know the difference between baby fingers and chicken fingers.”

“In November we have a choice. Between a man who, admittedly, doesn’t care about if your children have the health care you need and one who wants them to be as healthy as possible. So they are nice and juicy.”

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Romney Searches for Offshore Money — Swore He Left it Next to Bloomberg’s Cooler

Mitt and Ann Romney on a Sea-Doo watercraft

“Where’d the dog go? I hope he didn’t drown.”
“Mitt, don’t be such a wimp. It makes you sound…Democratic.”

(Bermuda) Presidential candidate Mitt Romney, on vacation in Bermuda from a successful week of fundraising, searched fruitlessly up and down the beach for several hundred million dollars he had stashed away.

“Dog-gonnit, I know it was somewhere around here. I think. I didn’t want anyone to get ahold of it, so I buried it in the sand next to Mike [Bloomberg]’s cooler.”

Red Coleman Cooler

Yellow and white umbrellas on the beach

“I’ll have another Mojito. Do you have change for a million dollar bill?”

“It was a red cooler and he had it under a yellow and white umbrella next to a lifeguard station. I remember there was a fat lady lying on her stomach…”

“Problem is, everyone has those yellow and white umbrellas. They turn out to be rented. Which is weird, because on this beach everyone can afford their own umbrellas, so it’s not like we need any kind of socialist suntan-avoidance system.”

“And there’s like a million life guard stations and they all look the same.”


“Darn it, why did Bloomberg have to go off and get a Chipwich and leave me in the lurch?”

“Oh well, it’s not like I don’t have a bunch more money where that came from. I just hope Bloomy was a pal and bought a couple Chippies for Ann and me.”

“Us 1%-ers got to stick together.”

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Tea Party: Baby Killers Vote For Socialism!

United States Supreme Court

First they want to kill all the babies, now they want to force us to buy health insurance for all the babies…

(Arcadia, Iowa) Local Tea Party spokesman and owner of the “Sniper Shop Gun ‘n Gas” convenience store Jim Harbinger today condemned the Supreme Court’s decision upholding the The Affordable Care Act.

“This is it!” He fumed. “This means war!”

“I’ll be damned if some fancy lawyer in black robes is going to tell me I have to have health insurance! I don’t need it! My wife is trained as a nurse and she’s going to be tending to my needs while we’re in our heavily armed compound.”

Heavily Armed Compound

“The Obongo government has no jurisdiction in the Land of Harbinger!”

“As for the people that get laid off when I close down my business, it’s their right under our system of government to buy health insurance if they have the money or die. I’m not going to get involved in that mess and neither should the government.”

“I’m just surprised the Chief Justice didn’t write his opinion in Chinese it was so Communist.”

“Dang! Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to cash my disability check so I can buy so more ammo.”

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Pranksters Toilet Paper “Free Trade” Negotiations

(Dallas, TX) Prankster group The Yes Men disrupted a meeting of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade negotiations in Dallas by posing as businessmen and presenting Ron Kirk, U.S. Trade Representative with the “2012 Corporate Power Tool Award.”

Yes Men prankster gives out "Corporate Power Tool Award"
After Kirk accepts the award, Haversall commends the TPP, saying to applause:

“The TPP agreement is shaping up to be a fantastic way for us to maximize profits, regardless of what the public of this nation—or any other nation—thinks is right.”

The Yes Men also replace the regular toilet paper in the hotel with custom rolls ridiculing the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Toilet Paper saying What is TPP?

What is the TPP? According to the group Public Citizen“It is the dream of the 1%. With 600 U.S. corporations as officials advisors, this stealthy international agreement has been negotiated behind closed doors over the past two years – with talks heading to Dallas in May.

What would TPP mean for the 99%? Millions more American jobs offshored. Backdoor deregulation for financial firms to wreck the economy again. Floods of unsafe food and products. Higher medicine prices. A ban on Buy America policies needed to create green jobs and rebuild our economy. Foreign corporations empowered to attack our environmental and health policies in foreign tribunals.

Closed-door talks are on-going between the U.S. and Australia, Brunei, Chile, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, Malaysia and Vietnam; with countries like Japan and China potentially joining later.”

Are they right? Is the TPP basically a NAFTA for Asia? Are the Yes Men hippie crazies?

Maybe. I think Trade Rep. Ron Kirk should be glad they didn’t egg the place.

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JP Morgan Lose $2 Billion on Risky Bets Meant to Reduce Risk on Bets That Other Companies Made. Or Something Like That.

Oh, Oh, Oh, Jamie’s Cryin’

JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon

(New York, NY) CEO Jamie Dimon disclosed Thursday that JP Morgan has sustained $2 Billion in trading losses.

The losses were caused by huge bets in Credit Default Swaps, the complicated insurance-like bets in credit markets that helped create the financial meltdown in 2008.

Humpback whale leaping out of water

"Sorry I blew $2 Billion. But look how entertaining I am!"

The bets were made by an illusive trader known as the “London Whale.” As far as Fishington Cheesington post, the Whale is not an actual whale, and may in fact be a fish or may be made of cheese or some other edible substance or not edible at all, even by Japanese people.

“Hey, I should have kept better track of all this,” Dimon admitted on a conference call. “I should have read the newspapers. I been paying attention. Arrgh, I’m so mad at myself! Actually, I don’t understand any of this more than the average guy. When I’m listening to some analyst jabber on in a meeting, I’m just nodding and thinking about getting which kind of steak I’m getting for lunch at Delmonico’s.”

Filet Mignon

"Sorry, what were you saying?"

“I do know that we were trying to reduce risk. Not risk to the bank that you have your account in. The risk to JP Morgan making money.”

“If I were you, I’d keep your money under your Beauty Rest. That’s where mine is.”

“Sorry, I’m going to have to end this call. I’m going to have some steak for lunch. Whale steak, I think…”

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