Exclusive Report: Obama Just Won, Dude

(Somewhere in Suburbia, USA) Tuesday, November 5th at approximately 11:36PM, some college kid on Youtube who was carefully monitoring the election returns on CNN has just announced on the phone to his buddy that “Obama just won, dude.”

“Like, I’m not an Obama supporter by any stretch of the imagination, but Romney is fucking crazy, though…

“Well, I don’t like any of them, but better than Romney, I mean, both of them are manipulative pieces of shit, but at the same time, you know, Obama is less than Romney.”

“I’m thrilled that Obama won, but like, at the same time he’s not all good like everyone cracks him up to be. But Romney’s fucking crazy.”

Harry Reasoner

And floating in the ether, the ghost of Harry Reasoner was seen shaking his head at the lack of verbal facility of the youth of today, but wryly smiling at their wisdom.

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