MLK Memorial Inscription Corrected to Read “WTF???”

Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Satue

Martin Luther King sure looks pissed off, and it's not just because they screwed up his quote.










(Washington, D.C.) After great outcry over the inaccuracy of the quote used on the Martin Luther King, Jr. memorial, the quote has now been changed to “WTF???”

The original quote on the statue “I was a drum major for justice, peace and righteousness” was seen as boastful and not reflecting King’s thoughtful, peaceful, yet strong nature. As a result, explains Council of Historians Chairwoman Maya Angelou:

Maya Angelou












“We felt that this misrepresentation of his life, his mission could not stand. And so, we felt the only thing we could do was to bring Martin back to life.”

“Working with a team of scientists, we were able to take DNA from his gravesite and spin a new Martin, a shining Black prince out of a gossamer thread of technological magic.”


“When he awoke, he was somewhat confused, but being the brilliant man he was, he quickly understood what had taken place and immediately wanted to know what had transpired since his death, especially regarding his efforts to wipe out racial and economic inequality.”

“While pleased to hear that there was an African-American man in the white house, and fascinated about the Occupy Wall Street movement, when he heard that we were in the worst economic shape since the Great Depression, that almost 50 Million people were living in poverty, that the income of the average American worker has not increased since he died, and that corporations now were permitted to make unlimited contributions to campaigns, his immediate reaction was:


“And then, unfortunately, the ersatz Martin slipped away.”

“So we decided to shorten it and to soften it based on the fact that this great man had no chance to qualify his words.”

“But we felt his message will stand the test of time. WTF, MLK. Yes indeed, WTF.

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