North Carolina Amendment: No to Gay Marriage, Yes to “Long Fishing Trips”

cowboys from movie Brokeback Mountain hugging

(Raleigh, NC) While North Carolina voters approved a constitutional amendment Tuesday defining marriage solely as a union between a man and a woman, votes also approved a provision within the amendment defining male friendship of consisting of “long stretches of time spent away from wives in the company of other men, on hunting or fishing trips, often sharing the same tents or sleeping bags.”

Furthermore, while voters approved the amendment by a margin of 61%, the overwhelming majority of men indicated they had at least one buddy they liked to spend time with, “would give their left nut for,” and sometimes fantasized saving the life of “like in a spectacular car accident or a war or something.”

Two soldiers aiding comrade

“I spend a lot of time discussing these issues in bars and locker rooms,” explained Butch Cusack, President of the North Carolina chapter of Conservative Men Standing Firm in Their Defense of Marriage (CMSFTDM). “We are totally against the idea of gay marriage. We do like to spend time with other men and there’s nothing wrong with that. We also would like to be able to qualify for benefits with our buddies if we want to. And adopt kids together.”

“But damned if we’re going to support gay marriage. Or civil unions. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got some tackle to pack. Got to get up early tomorrow and get some fishing in.”

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Biden Makes it Clear: I’m Really, Really Comfortable With Gay Marriage

Vice President Biden hugging man

"Come here you big lug!"

Vice President Joe Biden stunned the world this past Sunday by announcing on NBC’s Meet the Press that he was “comfortable” with the idea of gay marriage.

“In fact,” as he explained afterwards to this reporter, “I’m really into it. Totally. Like, if I wasn’t already married to a woman, I’d be out there looking for a guy to spend the rest of my life with. I’m that comfortable with it.”

“I’m really, really comfortable. You know how you have a favorite pair of sneakers and people make fun of you cause their so worn out, but you wear them anyway? That’s how I am with gay marriage.”

“I’m into it. When I dream, I dream in gay. See, I can say things like that and not be offensive, because in my mind, I’m already gay. I hope my wife dies so I can start planning my gay wedding. I guess I could start now, in fact.”

Bearded man in wedding gown

“Hey, does anyone know an open-minded dress shop in the D.C. area that could fit me with a gown?”

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Romney: My Plan to Kill Bin Laden Would Have Involved Puppy Biscuits and a Sturdy Roof Rack

Mitt Romney explaining his plan to kill Osama Bin Laden

(New York, NY) During a visit to Ground Zero earlier today, Mitt Romney criticized what he called President Obama’s recent attempts to “politicize” the killing of Osama bin Laden by claiming Romney did not support the hunt for bin Laden.

“I’m telling you right now, if I was the President instead of Obama, I would have done the exact same thing that he did. I would have also killed him. Only better.”

“For one thing, I wouldn’t have had to risk U.S. soldiers to get the job done. All I would have needed would have been a station wagon, a sturdy roof rack and some puppy biscuits.”

Dog biscuits

Here bin Laddie Laddie Laddie Laddie!

“I would have driven right up to the compound and pulled out the 10 pound bag of Liv-a-snaps that I still have from when Seamus was still with us. Then I would have laid out a trail of treats leading up to his living quarters. I figure he was holed up eating the same food for so long even something unusual as a dog biscuit might have seemed to be a luxury.”

“Then, once so entranced, I’d whistle and call out ‘here boy’ and I’m sure he would have jumped right up into Seamus’–I mean his–kennel.”

Romney's dog Seamus

Plastic dog kennel

$129.98 for an extra-large kennel? Not too shabby for catching the world's most dangerous man.

“Once there, I would drive him up to Canada. He would practically die of fright up there and spill the beans on all the Al Queeada secrets. Then of course I would forget to feed and water him and end up having to dump his body in an undisclosed section of Lake Ontario. End of story.”

NY Post cover of Bin Laden "Got Him!"

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Gingrich Announces Candidacy for “Emperor of the Moon”


Newt Gingrich points up to the moon

(Arlington, VA) After announcing his withdrawal from the race for the Republican Presidential race, former speaker Newt Gingrich also revealed his latest political ambition: to become Emperor of the Moon.

The moon


“There are incredible resources up there.  Besides the green cheese, there are rocks that may contain things like iron, nickel and aluminum.  Plus rare earth minerals that are vital for hi-tech and defense.”

“As Emperor, I’ll be able to create whatever laws I want.  No more namby-pamby three branches of government.  No regulatory commissions.  Just pure unfettered capitalism.”

“And as Emperor I’ll also finally be able to have as many wife’s as I want.  As Mel Brooks said in The History of the World Part I, ‘It’s good to be the King.’ Did you see that movie? It was hilarious!”


Mel Brooks in King Costume

"It's Good to be the King. Â Of the Moon"

“Anyway, I’m thinking of bringing Michele Pfeiffer, Julia Roberts, Scarlatt Johansky [sic] and, just to prove I’m not racist, that hot Black lady, RuPaul.”

Newt’s Lunar Ladies:

Julia Roberts

Michele Pfeiffer


Scarlett Johanson


“Then soon as Bush and Cheney grab some oil and fill up enough water tanks from the land they bought up in Paraguay, they’re gonna rocket on up and join me for some moon-cheese grits.”

George Bush in Flight Suit

“Haliburton will get all the contracts for my moon castle and fortress.  The Earth’s environment will have already been ruined, but we’ll be all set.  And if we run out of anything, I’ll rain down weapons on them just like something out of James Bond’s enemy in “Moonraker.”

“See, everyone thinks I’m well-read, but I spend most of my time watching old movies in my bathrobe  and thumbing through Sparknotes.”

“I’ll leave Mitt down below to act as my minion and wring whatever last drops of natural resources he can out of the Earth.

“I’m having one of the original Apollo astronaut spacesuits let out as we speak.  Can’t wait!”


Fat astronaut suit

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Last Minute Tax Refund Tip: Make Sure You’re a Multinational Corporation!

GE  Logo

Gee, I'm hoping for a big refund this year! (GE is reported to have received a 3.2 billion dollar tax benefit in 2010. Â This year it's hoping to use it's tax refund to buy Greece.

Want to save on your taxes this year?

It’s easy.

Just make sure you make profits overseas and lose money in the U.S. That way, you pay little to no taxes.

So start your own multinational today.

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