(Washington, D.C.) U.S.Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta outlined a plan to cut the Defense budget by nearly $500 billion dollars.

"Sure there's going to be shrinkage. That happens with age. But we're the John Holmes of the world."
However, Mr. Panetta pointed out that with a combination of existing nuclear missiles, submarines, drones and special forces, the United States will still be “one big-dick-swinging motherfucker.”
“We might not be the John Holmes of he world….
…but we’ll definitely still be Harry Reems!
“We’ll still be able to kick ass anywhere we want to in the world with one hand tied behind our backs”
“Just like Arnold Schwartzenegger, we’ve gotten a little paunchy, but if we drop a few pounds we’ll still be the Terminator.”
“Unless China continues to get stronger. Then we’re fucked.”