Hi, I’m Erick Erickson, founder of Redstate.org and the “We are the 53 Percent” movement.
I’m a paid commentator on CNN.
I have a radio gig.
I have two houses.
I’m an average Joe.
Look, I’m tired of people pointing out that 1% of Americans take in 25% of income and have 40% of the wealth. Waah waah waah. Too bad. Inherit some money or get a CEO job, you lazy bastards.
And I got really mad when I found out from the Tax Policy Center that 47% of Americans don’t even pay any income tax!
So what if 90% of them earn less than $30,000?

Why should I pay taxes to help the poor and elderly? Let them eat cake! They no longer have a piece of the pie...
I’m hopping mad that these poor people and seniors want to have free ride!
I’m so fired up, I’d occupy a park over this. That is, if it was a park in a nice suburban neighborhood with no minorities or poor people in it.