A song parody about Fox News based on the song “Take it on the Run” by REO Speedwagon”
Heard it from a friend who
Heard it from a friend who’s
Girlfriend’s uncle said he heard it on Fox
He said heard Obama
Had an alien momma
From a far-off galaxy
And they’ve got a plan for us
To enslave us all as socialists
In a new world order man they’re telling me.
So I’m telling you, man
It’s all part of the liberal plan
In league with Jews and minorities.
An angry man told me, so I’m gonna let him mold me
They’ve got my ear Cause it’s what I want to hear.
It would be kind of nut-tea
To let you best friend’s buddy
Go and operate on your brain
I don’t think it’s smart then
To base all of your views on
Some clown who knows nothing of history.
Some people like to tell lies
To pull the wool over our eyes
And act like they care about the working man.
But Rupert and his henchmen
Pull the same old crap again and again
They hire some crank while they’re laughing to the bank
Heard it from a friend who
Heard it from a friend who’s
Girlfriend’s uncle said he heard it on Fox…