(To the tune of “Nazi Punks” by the Dead Kennedys)
An Austrian baker got in trouble recently for making cakes with swastikas, arms raised in Nazi salutes and other Nazi symbols.
(I’ve heard of “Cake Boss” but never “Cake Fuhrer!”)
In Austria, glorifying Nazism is illegal. In this country, it’s not illegal, it’s merely stupid and disgusting.
In 1998, A Shoprite in New Jersey refused to make a “”Happy Birthday Adolf Hitler” cake for Adolf Hitler Campbell, the son of Holocaust-denier Heath Campbell.
At the time Campbell said:
“Other kids get their cake,” Campbell complained. “I get a hard time. It’s not fair to my children. How can a name be offensive?”
What other kids? Joe Stalin Junior? Little Pol Pot?
There are limits to free speech. If you want a cake that celebrates the death of 6 million people instead of someone’s birthday, make it yourself. And I hope you choke on it.
(The Campbells lost custody of their kids in 2010.)